We all love our dogs, but do you always enjoy your dog?
If you answered (a) to the questions above, then good for you! However, if you chose (b), with the proper guidance and a little work, you will be able to say, “Yes! I love and enjoy my dog.” You can accomplish that goal.

Welcome to North Coast K-9
Here’s a little questionnaire. Be honest now!
After walking your dog, do you feel: (a) relaxed and happy or (b) like you’ve been drug down the street by wild horses.
When greeting visitors, does your dog: (a) show good manners, or (b) body slam them through the front door.
When you call your dog, does he: (a) quickly come to you, or (b) continue chasing the neighbor’s cat.
When meeting strangers, does your dog: (a) wag his tail, or (b) growl and bark with hackles raised.

Hello, we are Nick and Tammy Blackford of North Coast K-9.
As trainers with extensive knowledge and expertise in dog behavior, it is our mission to teach you how to be a fair but strong leader for your dog, and to make it fun for both of you along the way. The end result is a well-mannered dog that is happy and willing to look to you as his leader. Whatever the problem, we can help.

If you need to travel without your dog, we also offer safe, spacious, climate-controlled boarding accommodations in a pleasant country setting.
Upcoming Litter: Due to Whelp February 28, 2025
Currently Accepting Deposits
For more info see our "Upcoming Litters" Page
We offer Puppy Kindergarten, Basic and Advanced Obedience, Private Lessons, and In-Kennel Training. Whichever program you select, you will receive extensive and professional instruction in dog behavior and psychology.
Through our program, you will finally understand your dog and communicate with him in a manner that he or she can understand. Despite what you might think, very few dogs are stupid. The vast majority, however, are misunderstood.

In addition, we are reputable breeders of quality import-bloodline German shepherd dogs.
Please feel free to tour our website.
We’re here for you. Let us help.