Private Lessons

Private lessons are an option for individuals who live too far away, or whose work schedule does not allow them to attend our group Basic Obedience Class. In each lesson, you and your dog would work one-on-one with the trainer. These lessons would be scheduled at a time that is compatible for you and the trainer. Lessons are usually set at 1 per week and are generally held at our Monroeville facility. Pending availability, Private Lessons can also be arranged at our Sandusky location.
Training consists of:
Sit on Command
Down on Command
Sit stay and Down stay under distractions (such as other dogs, or people approaching, petting, and talking to him)
Heel (so your dog doesn’t pull you)
Come (so he comes when you call him, not just when he feels like it!)
Off (so your dog doesn't jump on people)
Back (so your dog doesn't bum rush the door)
Leave It (drop it or don't touch it with his or her mouth)
Take It (can take or touch)
Quiet (don't bark)
We also work on any and every problem you might be experiencing, such as: shyness or aggression towards strangers or other dogs, biting, mouthing, chewing, digging, getting in the trash, chasing the cat or the kids, staying in your yard, eating socks, underwear, your daughter's Barbies or cat poop from the litterbox...and more!
Dogs learn through repetition and conditioning, and positive and negative reinforcement. As with all of our programs, we utilize a fine balance of praise and correction (90% praise/10% correction). We reward good behavior through play, food rewards, and verbal and physical praise. We show you when and how to properly praise and reward your dog for good behavior. Likewise, we show you when and how to properly correct your dog for negative behavior when needed.
In addition, a major portion of this training is directed at you, the dog handler. It is our mission to teach you how to be a fair, but strong, leader for your dog—and how to make it fun for both of you along the way. The end result is a well-mannered dog that is happy and willing to look to you as his leader.
The fee for private lessons at our facility is $135 per lesson, or $400 for a package of 4 lessons.
NOTE: If special circumstances require that the trainer come to your home, the cost would be $200 per lesson. An additional fee will be applied for in-home lessons which are held outside a 20 miles radius of our Monroeville facility. Scheduling is convenient.